Friday, October 31, 2008


Barack Obama's senior advisers have drawn up plans to lower expectations for his presidency if he wins next week's election, amid concerns that many of his euphoric supporters are harboring unrealistic hopes of what he can achieve.

The sudden financial crisis and the prospect of a deep and painful recession have increased the urgency inside the Obama team to bring people down to earth, after a campaign in which his soaring rhetoric and promises of "hope" and "change" are now confronted with the reality of a stricken economy.

This is an unbelievable example of another shady politician finally realizing that he must calm down the storm that he himself has created. For eighteen months he has screamed and spewed the words "change" and "hope", never really outlining anything of substance, getting a free pass from the media ... based on image, and continuing to spend the most money any politician has ever spent on any campaign. Now he wants people to come back down to earth in the realization of economic crisis.

You ferried these people into the stratosphere Mr. Obama! You built up the hopes of so many! You made the promises of "change" on your political platform! Now you want them to come back down to earth so there isn't a large meltdown in the psyche of the individuals who so diligently supported you. What has changed? You knew the economy was in trouble. Let me guess, you're just now starting to figure out that your plans are as stable a two year old child's attention span.

If, and God forbid, you are elected to the most powerful position on planet earth, I hope that you do not waffle this much when addressing hostile nations when you meet with them without preconditions. I hope that you do not take this kind of approach with them. Promise them peace and prosperity with our nation, then turn around and tell them, "but don't be upset if I can't bring you peace and prosperity." I shudder to think of the consequences.

Leadership is not a born trait. It is a learned skill. It is honed in circumstances and tempered with experience. These kind of remarks bring forward the true man in Barack Obama, ALL HYPE NO SUBSTANCE!


Lucrezia Borgia said...


This morning in the *Patriot Post*, Mark Alexander pointed out a relevant quote from Benjamin Franklin's *Poor Richard's Almanac*: "He that lives upon Hope will die fasting."

That would be some food for thought for the Obamaniacs out there who are caught up in the mass Obamagasm, but the Kool-Aid they're drinking is taking up all the space.

queeniema said...

It is so sad that the words "hope" and "change" engender such negativity. It is also sad that one that espouses the belief and need for hope and change can be found to be so spurious. In every election I, as a american citizen, have been fortunate enough to participate in, the vote was cast with a hope for change. I would gladly follow anyone who offers a chance of hope and change, for what are we as a people if we do not reach and want for something better. Small people with minds who can only spew negative comments, lies, and innuendo are not the candidates who demonstrate the qualities of a candidate for any office and I would not be enticed to follow them anywhere. McCain and Palin have offered little of substance in this election and have behaved in a manner that is contrary to the qualities I seek in a candidate for office. Their negativity has not only turned me off, but I tune them out when they speak.

OEW said...

I understand the words 'hope' and 'change' especially 'hope'. As a Christian it is my biggest 'hope' that my salvation will come to fruition when I am called into Heaven to spend eternal life with Christ. My question to you is, "What is Barack Obama going to change?" If you you say that you would gladly follow anyone who offers a chance for 'hope' and 'change', then do you follow Christ and his teachings as a model for your life as he offers 'hope' and 'change' as well? As a contributor to this newsletter and its ideals and purpose, we 'hope' that we can 'change' things. We believe we can 'change' the beliefs of so many with the truth. Truth that has somehow been avoided in this campaign. Not just by Obama and Biden. We live in the greatest country in the world where the poorest of Americans are considered wealthy to more than two thirds of the national averages of the world's third world countries. I can offer no thanks to the 'change' that Barack, Biden, Clinton and Pelosi are trying to feed to the masses. I will gladly keep my guns and my freedoms as they were intended to be used when our founding fathers put them into place.


Lucrezia Borgia said...

To Queeniema: Well said! Well said. But the question I would ask, and have been asking throughout this campaign, is this: What *kind* of change? There is positive change, and there is negative change. I don't think any of us, when we stand in line at the polls, are *not* desirous of positive change, or *not* hoping for a better future whenever we cast our vote. All of us are attracted to and inspired by a message of hope, and all of us want a better future. The problem is that Obama has promised a whole lot of change, and has promised a whole lot of just about everything (hence his latest moniker, "Obama Claus"), but has largely failed to provide the nuts and bolts of how all this change is supposed to work, how exactly we're supposed to be paying for all this change (very important!), and how exactly it's going to impact the lives of the vast majority of the electorate. At first, I was actually open to taking a look at Obama (he and Hillary Clinton were among the few elected officials who focused on pushing the Iranian government to free Haleh Esfandiari), but when he failed to give me, as a taxpaying voter, any answers and specifics, just a nebulous message of "change," I had a look at his background, his associations, his voting record, his experience or lack thereof, etc. - historical facts that stand on their own and speak for themselves, and have not been generated as part of some alleged smear campaign from the other side - to figure out where he really stood. And he was found wanting. I suspect a lot of other people feel the same way. As was brought up by the latest blog entry, Obama's campaign is already trying to work out strategies on how to lower the expectations of a voting public that he himself has whipped into a frenzy, in the event that he indeed makes it to the White House. That, to me, is so sad it's downright heartbreaking!