Wednesday, October 29, 2008


I have tried, since the inception of this newsletter, to keep a fair and balanced point of view when it came to reporting the news of the day. Whether the article that I was writing about concerned John McCain or Barack Obama, I have attempted to make a diligent effort to get the facts straight and truthful, to the best of my ability. Granted, as a conservative Independent voter, I am disillusioned buy the Democratic Party’s choice for president. Also, consistent with the previous statement, I do not believe that John McCain was the ideal candidate for the Republican Party either. That being said, and all personal opinions aside, if you were to just look at the substantive structure and policy implementations that each candidate has made thus far in their respective campaigns, the choice becomes a clear one for me, and as well it should for all of us at this point in time.

I do not write this article to belittle the candidates. This venture began when several of the individuals that I work with and I began to understand that reporting the truth was not a primary concern for the media, and that fairness in reporting had long since been lost to anchor persons and beat writers everywhere. We wanted a place where we could read factual news, news that mattered to us most. Now, don’t get me wrong, I am not a real reporter and I have absolutely no real journalistic experience. I am just a typical guy, and what started out as a project to report factual news became an op-ed newsletter.

As an op-ed writer, I am afforded the opportunity to place my personal beliefs and opinions into the articles that I research and write about. That’s what an op-ed piece is supposed to be. I say this because I have received complaints regarding the content of the articles that I write. The complaints range from ‘you lean to far to the right’, ‘you’re too conservative’ and ‘you need to check your facts before writing an article’. Let me put all this to rest. I do lean to the right, I am a conservative and I check and re-check all the facts of every article that I write here. I may write op-ed pieces here in this news letter, but they are based on facts provided from very reliable and trusted sources. The same sources that provide information to major news outlets are used here, they just don’t lean towards the liberal side. If you don’t like my points of view, you are more than welcome to return to the internet and find a more left-leaning news source to which you can draw your information. May I suggest NBC or the New York Times?

Jordan Fleck

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