Thursday, October 16, 2008


I would be failing in my obligations to everyone who reads this to know that I consider myself a conservative independent. I supported John McCain in his inital presidential run in 2000, and have always liked the stances that McCain has made in regards to foreign policy and towards military members. He's one one of us, a veteran. What I witnessed last night was not one but two politicians clammoring about and trying to force issues on the other. It was a boring display by both candidates.

There were fine points made by both candidates and when seen with an open mind, both had very fine, albeit very different, stances on every subject covered. What was strikingly different about the debate was that Obama came across as the the immovable object and McCain was the unrelenting juggernaut. Each time that McCain tried to hammer home a point, Obama, cooly and swiftly, returned the volley, and in some cases hammered home a few points, as well.

That being said, most of those out there have already made up their minds as to whom they plan on voting for. This was just a reiteration of the things that we have already known. However, the point here is not to be so distracted by what was being said but to make an opinion on to who you liked best, based on the representation of themselves last night. Obama is the calm, cool collected one. The guy who thinks long and hard about decisions. A guy who will use all resources available to educate himself on the subject mater. McCain came across as the fiery and wiry guy next door. He wears his emotions on his sleeve and isn't afraid to tell you what he is thinking, whether you like it or not.

So, the real question here still remains, who do you vote for?

I grew up in a liberal family. My mother was a relentless fighter in the equal rights movement and a member of the National Organization for women. I grew up understanding my parents are very avid supporters of civil liberties and in the basic founding principles of this country. I was always told to educate myself, learn the facts, and then form an opinion. I say this because my mother posed a question to me yesterday. It was a question I asked myself several times last night during the debate. Who do you want in your foxhole with you?

Being a former Marine, I can answer this with a certainty that only those of us who have ever had to share a foxhole with another can make. I want someone I can trust. Someone I believe in. Someone that I can call my brother. I need to know that when the perverbial sh!t hits the fan that the guy next to me won't leave to fend for myself. Someone with good moral character and judgement. A leader.

I guess the question I ask to you all is, what type of person do you want in the foxhole with you?

Jordan Fleck