Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Tonight is the final of three presidential debates, and unlike the previous two debates the plan is to focus on the economy and domestic policies. Huh? Wait a second, I understand that the people of America want answers concerning the economy, but haven't we already hashed and re-hashed this subject twice before, and in numerous campaign ads? I hate to be a stick in the mud, but aren't there more than just two or three topics of discussion that are important to the American people. I'll name just a few ... Insurance reform, tort reform, social security reform, abortion and crime in America.

To me, these topics are just as important to the American people and to myself. I want to know that my rights to keep and bear arms are not going to be infringed upon. I want to know that in 35 years, when I am eligible to collect on social security, that I am going to able to. I want to settle some unsettling comments and questions I have on the stance both candidates have made on the subject of abortion. I want to know what we are doing to reign in civil claims collections. I have more than just two questions to ask.

Domestic policy and the economy are two of the most important issues of the day, but not the only issues. If we decide, prior to the debate, what the topics of the debate will be then how will we know when a candidate is being candid in his response or just reciting something that has been prepared for him in the previous week leading up to the debate? Both McCain and Obama have a lot of questions that have yet to be asked and answered on a national stage. Let's hope Mr. Bob Schieffer can get that through tonight and put some light on these subjects.

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