Wednesday, October 15, 2008

ACORN ... AYERS ... and OBAMA ... We Want Answers

Due to recent inquiries in the media and voter registration scandals concerning ACORN in numerous 'battleground' states, we feel compelled to try and give the public a discerning and un-diluted view into the truth concerning the ties between the community organization and Barack Obama.

As it stands this fall before the upcoming presidential election, ACORN has registered more than 1.3 million new, previously unregistered voters. I do not disagree with the principals that every American has the right to vote, and I truly do mean that we all have the right to vote. It is the basic principal of the free democratic society, that each voice can be heard. What I bring to question are the tactics and methods that are used by ACORN to register new voters. To cite just a few examples, Mickey Mouse was registered to vote in Florida. Tony Romo of the Dallas Cowboys and his starting offensive line were registered to vote in Nevada, although not one of them is a resident of that state. ACORN actually hired 59 inmates in Nevada to help with the program. These practices have pushed officials in the state of Nevada to raid ACORN's offices in Nevada and suspended all their activities in the state. Similar activities have pushed state officials in North Carolina and county officials in the state of Missouri to investigate ACORN's registraion submissions as well.

Beyond the practices and tactics, where does Senator Obama fit into all of this. On the website,, ACORN states that Senator Obama 'was never a community organizer', 'was never a trainer, organizer or any type of employee', and 'ACORN was not part of Project Vote, the succesful voter registration drive that Barack ran in 1992'. If this were true the why would Obama make this statement, "I have been fighting alongside ACORN on issues that you care about my entire career...". A rather disconcerting statemant for someone that has never worked in any capacity for ACORN, beyond legal representation. I truly hope that they can dust off that legal relationship, because ACORN will surely need it in the months to come.

This brings us to Bill Ayers. True, I don't like the politics and beliefs of this man, but I do believe that he has the right to his opinion, no matter how skewed I beleive it may be., states the relationship between Obama and Ayers is nothing beyond aquaintences living in the same community, and that Obama has publically denounced Ayers' radical actions in the 1960's. Here's the skinny, they've known each other for a while. They sat on the board for the Woods Fund and Davide Axelrod even went as far as saying the had a "friendly relationship".

I'm not saying that Obama is a terrorist sympathizer, but his connections with ACORN and Ayers raises some questions about his judgement. Questions that we as Free Americans want answers to. McCain and Palin have brought these up in political rallies throughout the US, and Obama just keeps avoiding the straight answer. Obama even went as far as saying that McCain didn't have the guts to bring up these ties in their most recent town-hall style debate. In case some of you missed it, the questions never got asked by the moderator or by the members of the assembled public.

I hope that McCain brings these point to light in the next debate, and I further hope that Obama has the intestinal fortitude to answer these questions truthfully, which could be a stretch, considering his strong diffusions and denials so far.

Jordan Fleck

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