Thursday, November 13, 2008


Before I begin this entry I find it important to explain to those reading where I come from, and a bit of my past. As I have stated before I grew up with my mother and step-father, both of whom were hard working and spirited. I grew up understanding the values of hard work, diligence and a sense of duty. Both my mother and my father have been and always will be the most influential people in my life. I spoke with my father recently, at length, about the current political landscape and the incoming presidential elect. It goes without saying that he and I do not see eye to eye when it comes to most of our political ideologies. While we could both agree that this country needs change, we had different beliefs on what change was necessary.

I have stated before that I have become disillusioned by the current political landscape and have actually begun to consider myself an Independent rather than a Republican.

So what change do I believe is necessary for America to succeed for the future?

First, there needs to be a major overhaul in the ideas of what it means to be an American. I pose this question to all of you reading this ... Define America? Many will say things like 'home of the free', 'land of opportunity and hope' and so on. You would all be correct. America is all of these things, but let me ask a different question ... What does it mean to be an American? Many, if not all of you, will struggle to answer this question, as I did. This question is not as easy to answer as it may seem. You cannot define the look of Americans, because we come in a variety of sizes, shapes and colors. You cannot define the sectarian beliefs of Americans, as many of us do not share the same belief system as to whom we pray to.

Americans are the shaggy dogs of the world. We are loyal to our beliefs and principles, whatever those beliefs may be. We are fierce when provoked by attack, don't believe me ask Japan and Germany. We are protective of those who cannot protect themselves, Kosovo and Bosnia. We are just and fair. These are the things that I think Americans are, and should be. For years we, as Americans, have lost our identities. We have to reclaim who we are as a nation before we can begin to set forth on a new direction for the future.

When we finally reclaim our identities as Americans, we can finally set forth into a new era. When we finally see that the character of a man is more important than the color, ideology or religious beliefs of a man. When we can worship from our own pews without being judged. When we can take care of our own homeless and destitute. When we can finally see that this nation is big enough and strong enough for any view imaginable, without fear of admonishment from others. Then and only then can we hope for true change.

I truly hope that change is on the horizon. I hope that we can change the direction of this country to reclaim who we once were as a nation. I hope that people finally understand that there is no more room at the inn for those who cannot conform to the principles above. This is my plan for 'change'. It will cost you nothing. No new taxes. No economic bailout to rely upon. All that this would cost is time and effort from every American, and in a time where the economy is unstable and the world is fraught with conflict, time and effort are the few things that every American can afford, in the name of 'change'.

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